
    5 Ways Big Data Can Improve the Customer Experience

    Image courtesy of xresch on Pixabay

    Collecting consumer data is essential for your brand’s success. It allows you to improve the customer experience while helping your marketing efforts have a greater impact. Whether it’s collecting information on purchase history or understanding handling times in a call center, big data can improve the experience your customers have in five major ways.

    1. Identifying Contact Center Metrics

    Metrics are the key to understanding the customer experience within the contact center. Low rates of first contact and longer handling times can indicate improper communication or deeper issues within the organization.

    When these negative metrics are collected, you can identify where improvements need to be made. Perhaps you agents need more training in the CRM database or require easier contact with their supervisors to handle issues. Whatever the case may be, big data reveals how you can turn your user experience into a positive one.

    2. The Emotional Aspect

    Brand-customer relations rely heavily on the way a consumer feels about your business. It isn’t always easy to tell whether your brand is loved or loathed, but big data helps to connect with customers on an emotional level to increase their loyalty and trust.

    Formal surveys, social media comments, and call transcripts are incredibly revealing. However, any point of contact between your brand and its customers will identify how they feel about your business. By combining qualitative and quantitative feedback, you can make improvements to your service via:

    • Softer language
    • Personalized services
    • Emotionally charged marketing campaigns
    • And contact center scripts

    Not only can big data help you create powerful marketing campaigns, it can also tell you which type of emotional approach performs the best. Metrics like banner and email click-through rates as well as text message engagement reveal which emotions lead to sales. Geolocation data can identify if one emotionally charged advertisement performs better in a specific region than another, helping to truly connect with customers.

    3. Application Performance Monitoring

    Image courtesy of JESHOOTScom on Pixabay

    Apps are an excellent way to reach your audience, but poor experiences from lackluster performance can turn customers away in a heartbeat. Big data offers the ability to monitor the performance of your apps, tracking any concerning flaws in their coding.

    Monitoring your applications with precise metrics from end-to-end allows you to solve problems quickly, as seen in this source: application performance monitoring & alerting | AppOptics. This ability provides you with the information needed to improve transaction tracing, language translations, and other vital metrics pertaining to the vitality of your app.  

    With a smoother performance and quick fixes, your customers will feel more confident in your brand as mishaps decrease. A better performing application also increases brand loyalty while providing an overall more positive customer experience.

    4. Communication Overdrive

    Feedback and satisfaction scores are two of most beneficial aspects to big data. These metrics can help to improve communication with your customers as well as between employees within your organization. Both ends are necessary to create a high-functioning business.

    With this data in hand, you can improve various aspects of your operations from agent soft skills to communication systems used by your employees. Understanding the pros and cons of direct contact with your customers will improve the customer experience tenfold.

    Image courtesy of succo on Pixabay


    5. Streamlining the Process

    Everyone values their time, including your customers. The more you can streamline your service to shorten the length of interaction, the happier your consumer base will be. Frequent re-routings and hold times are the top two issues most customers have with any given service.

    Big data identifies these roadblocks, allowing you to make adjustments where necessary. You might find that agents would be better places in more appropriate roles or that callback options could go a long way in creating a better customer experience, for example.

    It’s All About the Customer

    A customer-centric approach is vital to the success of your business. As big data helps you gather key metrics, remember to interpret them in a way that lead to stronger customer bonds and improved service practices.

    With a wealth of metrics readily available to you, everything from your applications to contact centers can work towards a more positive customer experience. Happier customers, of course, lead to increased sales and success.

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