
    Do Not Overlook: 12 Unseen Settings of Your Macbook

    Apple products are always known for their clean and polished appearance. These settings create an easy to navigate through functions while using your device. But while manufacturing, the manufacturer hides some of the settings. The motive could be to give a scope to users for choosing and customizing settings. If you too bought a Macbook and are looking for an easy to use option for Mac, then this blog is completely for you. Here we will discuss 12 amazing MacBook settings that you may not be aware of before.

    1. Unmute to Mute Sire


    Siri can be muted or unmuted based on the user’s choice. For example, if you do not like to hear Siri, customizing the settings could be a better option. You can set Siri’s voice feedback to “off”. You just need to go to Apple menu > System preference > and click on “Siri” > set the voice feedback to “off” or “on” based on your choice. You can also change Siri’s voice and based on preference you can hide or unhide the icon from the menu bar.p

    1. Customized Internet View

    There is an option in the Safari web browser to hide ads or other distractions from the web page. If you want to minimize reader mode, open the browser > click on menu > choose preferences > keep your system customized the way you want.

    1. Files sharing and Backup plans

    If you are using an iCloud account, you can easily share files with those who are working on macOS. This is a simple way to share files, you just need to open the folder and click on the sharing option. Add a person’s id or name (if added in your contacts), the data will be shared on immediate effects.

    iCloud is also a great option for saving important files without affecting system storage. You can also click for more info to know how to create a backup in your Mac. Even if you lost something, how can you restore information?

    1. Change System preferences

    System preference settings enable you to choose or remove sets from your list. These settings can be altered with just one click. To reach their click on System Preferences from Apple menu > choose View > click Customize you will see a list of shortcuts. Untick the preferences you do not want to see on your system. This is the quickest way of changing system preference.

    1. Flip the scroll direction

    A Scroll bar in Mac helps in moving and knowing about the working documents. This bar lies in the right corner of the document. Users can judge documents without flipping pages. For its installation, click on system preferences > Go to Trackpad menu > check a box marked for scroll directions under the “Scroll and Zoom” heading.

    1. Permanently delete files

    All deleted items from the system sit in the Trash bin. If you are worried about trash filling a simple way can help you to delete documents completely. It also helps in creating space in your Mac or MacBook. Just follow a simple path hold down the Option key > open the File menu > click Delete Immediately. All items will disappear from the trash immediately.

    1. Folder Sync to the cloud

    Storing data in iCloud is a perfect way to fetch details anywhere and anytime. You just need to add your id and password to another system. You can give or take access to others of important files and folders. For this, open System Preferences > Go to iCloud. You will get access to all apps and folders in an iCloud drive’s option system.

    1. Fine-tune the brightness

    Excessive screen brightness could be eye harming. Therefore, it’s good to adjust your system brightness. Apart from a system, there is a shortcut available on the keyboard to discrete steps. So, press the “Shift” + “option” key to increase or decrease system brightness. If you found Macbook is a more convenient option, then click on the Display menu of System Preferences.

    1. Give break-off to breaks on the internet

    Auto-ads and videos are really annoying while working on the internet. Therefore, it is important to stop ads to eliminate distractions. To stop auto-playing videos and ads, go to the website tab > click on Preferences > click on Auto-Play > and from the bottom option choose block videos that have sound attached. Discontinuing apps helps in increasing work productivity. As you can work continuously without distraction with pop-up messages.

    1. Choose your Favourite Wi-Fi Network

    When you add a wi-fi password for a system connection, MacOS automatically saves the password. It helps the system to connect in the future conveniently. When several passwords are saved in the system, it becomes hard to choose the right network. Therefore, it is significant to stop and remove networks that you will not be going to use in the future. To change these settings, click on system preferences > click on Network > select advanced settings > here you can add or remove desired networks and passwords.

    1. Use Apple Watch to unlock a Mac

    With the changing technology, the usage of wearable devices to lock or unlock the systems is a great opportunity. Similarly, you can use your Apple watch to unlock Mac to save time. For this, put on your smartwatch and unlock it. Go to system preferences > click on Security & Privacy > select general > tick on “Allow your Apple Watch to unlock your Mac”. It will help you to save time to turn on your Mac, and you don’t need to enter passwords every time.

    1. Free-up hard drives space

    If you are fed up with no storage space pop-up while installing new apps. It’s the right time to remove additional content from the Mac and create a space for new. To generate space, click on the Apple menu > choose About This Mac > open the Storage tab in the window > click Manage. You will get detailed information about media files. Based on your requirement, you can add or remove the largest files on the system.

    Bottom Line

    Paying attention to Mac shortcuts always saves time and boosts business productivity. Therefore, check out the above-discussed settings on your new Mac. If you have not installed or configured these, try once and take the advantages of added features conveniently.



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