Does your Mac boot up with the same speed as the day you bought it? Sadly, the answer is a “no.” Even tech giants believe the same. But what’s the reason? They function in this manner because they become filled up with applications. These unnecessary applications install startup processes and use more disk space, which eventually leads to a deterioration in the system performance.
Has your Mac become decidedly lethargic? Well, it’s time to undertake some steps for optimizing exemplary performance and witnessing a top-notch Mac condition. Can’t resist knowing how? Stick on and get started with learning how:
Use an SSD Drive:
The most recent generation of hard disks that appear on MacBook Airs is known as SSD drives. These drives employ memory on a chip, preferably known as a thumb drive. The drives have no moving parts and perform much faster. Know that the SSD drives don’t speed up every single activity on your Mac but indeed increases the boot time, opens applications, and save files with greater ease. If you don’t have an SSD, you can install one and attain a sigh of relief.
Quit Applications during Shut Down:
The newer versions of OS-X help in the automatic opening of applications and windows during Mac’s last shutdown. Having ten open applications will make your boot time incredibly slow. It will make all those ten applications open up again. Thus, you can either quit applications before shutting down or disable the automatic opening of the applications. Follow a how-to guide and deselect the reopen windows when you log back into the shutdown menu. You can also achieve a similar result by going to general preferences and selecting the option- “Close windows when quitting an application.” Doing so helps in improving the boot speed.
Reinstall macOS:
You’ll be surprised by how fast a clean-up can be for your system, especially when you haven’t reinstalled macOS for a few years. When you remove the third-party software, you can begin working on a clean slate. This is one of the great ways of removing outdated kernel extensions and long-forgotten apps. All you’ve to do is backup your data using a Time Machine. Note that the apps and software will need redownloading after the process completion. Now restart your PC in recovery mode and reinstall macOS from scratch.
Clean up your Desktop:
People say that a messy workplace is a sign of a creative mind. But, this saying doesn’t hold good at all times, especially when it comes to a desktop. Your computer has to load the icons for all the files on your desktop while it boots. It needs to fetch all the icons to accumulate hundreds of desktop icons, which in turn slows down the boot time. The best thing you can do is get rid of these files and move them to another place.
Let your Mac Perform Excellently
The ways mentioned above are sure to speed up your old and sluggish Mac. And, why not? It will not only make a difference in the boot time but also its general performance. The other option that must be on your list is avoiding rebooting sometimes and using sleep mode instead. Use these tips and experience an ultra-fast Mac speed.