If you are taking part in a comfortable recreation, you’ll be able to all however assure you may be doing a little bit of cooking. That goes for Hello Kitty Island Adventure, which options quite a lot of cooking stations and recipes that can be utilized to make yummy meals. Here’s what you have to find out about making grub in Hello Kitty Island Adventure, in addition to each cooking recipe at present within the recreation.All cooking recipes in Hello Kitty Island AdventureNot like most video games, you’ll be able to’t do all of your cooking in a single place in Hello Kitty Island Adventure. Instead, you may want to search out and use distinctive cooking stations all through the world. Additionally, every of those cooking stations have a base ingredient that’s utilized in each dish made there, so do not forget so as to add it. Below, we’ll specify the place to search out every cooking station and its base ingredient earlier than itemizing out all of the recipes that may be made there.OvenThe Oven is discovered on the Seaside Resort.Base Ingredient: FlourAlmond Pound Cake: Candy Cloud, Toasted AlmondBeignets with Pineapple Dip: Candy Cloud, PineappleCake – Any ingredient not utilized in one other cake recipeCheesecake: Moon CheeseChiffon Cake: Egg, Cinna BloomChocolate Balls: Chocolate CoinChocolate Cheesecake: Moon Cheese, Chocolate CoinCinnamon Bread – Cinna Bloom: Cinna BloomCinnamon Bread – Magma Bloom: Magma BloomCinnamon Roll: Candy Cloud, Cinna BloomEgg Tart: EggFruit Tart – Apple: Egg, AppleFruit Tart – Strawberry: Egg, StrawberryFruity Cheesecake – Apple: Moon Cheese, AppleFruity Cheesecake – Banana: Moon Cheese, BananaFruity Cheesecake – Pineapple: Moon Cheese, PineappleFruity Cheesecake – Starfruit: Moon Cheese, StarfruitMacaron: Toasted AlmondMama’s Apple Pie: AppleMilk Bread: Coral MilkNutty Tart: Egg, Toasted AlmondPastry: Candy CloudPineapple Stack Cake: PineapplePumpkin Cheesecake: Moon Cheese, PumpkinPumpkin Pie: PumpkinPurple Cheesecake: Moon Cheese, SpinipPurple Bow Apple Pie: Apple, Magma BloomSakura Cake: SakuraSakura Cheesecake: Moon Cheese, SakuraSpiced Cheesecake – Cinna Bloom: Moon Cheese, Cinna BloomSpiced Cheesecake – Magma Bloom: Moon Cheese, Magma BloomSpooky Cake: Swampmallow, PumpkinStrawberry Almond Galette: Toasted Almond, StrawberryStrawberry Cheesecake: Moon Cheese, StrawberryStrawberry Shortcake: StrawberrySugarkelp Cake: SugarkelpCandy Custard Tart – Candy Cloud: Egg, Candy CloudCandy Custard Tart – Sugarkelp: Egg, SugarkelpCandy Custard Tart – Swampmallow: Egg, SwampmallowTofu Bread: TofuTurtle Cheesecake: Moon Cheese, Toasted AlmondVeggie Bread: SpinipVeggie Tart – Pumpkin: Egg, PumpkinVeggie Tart – Spinip: Egg, SpinipVolcano Cake: Chocolate Coin, Magma BloomBon appétit!Candy Cloud MachineThe Candy Cloud Machine is discovered at Cloud Island.Base Ingredient: Candy CloudCheese Cloud: Moon CheeseCotton Cloud: Candy Cloud x2Fall Cloud: PumpkinFruity Cloud – Apple: Apple.Fruity Cloud – Banana: BananaFruity Cloud – Starfruit: StarfruitPink Cloud – Sakura: SakuraPink Cloud – Strawberry: StrawberrySpiced Cloud – Cinna Bloom: Cinna BloomSpiced Cloud – Magma Bloom: Magma BloomCandy Cloud – Swampmallow: SwampmallowCandy Cloud – Sugarkelp: SugarkelpToasted Marshmallow Cloud: Swampmallow, Toasted AlmondTropical Cloud: PineappleCauldronThe Cauldron is discovered on the Spooky Swamp.Base Ingredient: Glow BerryDeep Diving Potion: SugarkelpSpeedy Swimming Potion: SwampmallowSpeedy Walking Potion: TofuStamina Recharge Potion: AppleThermal Potion: Magma BloomDessert MachineThe Dessert Machine is discovered at Gemstone Mountain.Base Ingredient: Cactus CreamApple Ice Cream: AppleBanana Ice Cream: BananaBanana Shake: Snowcicle, BananaBoulder Bits Ice Cream: Chocolate Coin, SwampmallowCheese Ice Cream: Moon CheeseChocolate Ice Cream: Chocolate CoinChocolate Pineapple Pudding: Pineapple, Chocolate CoinChocolate Shake: Snowcicle, Chocolate CoinCinna Ice Cream: Cinna BloomMagma Pudding: Magma BloomMama’s Pudding: Banana, Coral MilkOutdated Fashioned Ice Cream: EggPink Clouds Ice Cream: Candy Cloud, SakuraPudding: Coral MilkPumpkin Pudding: PumpkinPurple Pudding: SpinipSakura Pudding: SakuraStarry Skies Shake: Snowcicle, StarfruitStrawberry Ice Cream: StrawberryStrawberry Shake: Snowcicle, StrawberryCandy Pudding – Candy Cloud: Candy CloudCandy Pudding – Sugarkelp: SugarkelpCandy Pudding – Swampmallow: SwampmallowTofu Pudding: TofuVanilla Shake: SnowcicleEgg Pan StationThe Egg Pan Station is discovered at Gemstone Mountain.Base Ingredient: EggCheese Crepe: Flour, Moon CheeseChocolate Crepe: Flour, Chocolate CoinCrepe: FlourFantasy Omelet: Candy CloudFluffy Omelet: Moon CheeseFruit Crepe: Flour, StrawberryHearty Omelet: Moon Cheese, SpinipNutty Crepe: Flour, Toasted AlmondOmelet: Egg, Any ingredient not utilized in one other recipeProtein Omelet: TofuSpiced Crepe: Flour, Magma BloomCandy Crepe – Candy Cloud: Candy Cloud, FlourCandy Crepe – Swampmallow: Flour, SwampmallowVeggie Crepe: Flour, PumpkinVeggie Omelet: PumpkinVeggie Supreme Omelet: Pumpkin, SpinipEspresso MachineThe Espresso Machine is discovered at Seaside Resort or Rainbow Reef.Base Ingredient: CandlenutCandied Banana Coffee: Banana, Candy CloudCappuccino: Coral MilkChai – Cinna Bloom: Cinna BloomChai – Magma Bloom: Magma BloomChocolate Chai – Cinna Bloom: Chocolate Coin, Cinna BloomChocolate Chai – Magma Bloom: Chocolate Coin, Magma BloomComplicated Coffee: Moon CheeseEgg Coffee: EggEspresso: Cinna Bloom, Magma BloomFrappe: SnowcicleScorching Cocoa: Chocolate Coin, Coral MilkMocha: Chocolate CoinMolten Frappe: Magma Bloom, SnowciclePink Latte – Strawberry: StrawberryPink Latte – Sakura: SakuraPurple Latte: SpinipSakura Frappe: Sakura, SnowcicleSpicy Pumpkin Latte: Pumpkin, Cinna BloomCandy Frappe: Sugarkelp, SnowcicleCandy Latte – Candy Cloud: Candy CloudCandy Latte – Sugarkelp: SugarkelpCandy Latte – Swampmallow: SwampmallowToasted Almond Coffee: Toasted AlmondPizza OvenThe Pizza Oven is discovered at Mount Hothead.Base Ingredient: DoughAlfredo Pizza: Coral MilkBreakfast Pizza: EggDessert Pizza – Candy Cloud: Candy CloudDessert Pizza – Sugarkelp: SugarkelpDessert Pizza – Swampmallow: SwampmallowThe whole lot Pizza: Spinip, TofuFruit Pizza – Apple: AppleFruit Pizza – Banana: BananaFruit Pizza – Strawberry: StrawberryPineapple Pizza: PineappleQuattro Fromaggio Pizza: Coral Milk, Moon CheeseSpicy Pizza – Cinna Bloom: Cinna BloomSpicy Pizza – Magma Bloom: Magma BloomSpinip Alfredo Pizza: Spinip, Coral MilkThree Cheese Pizza: Moon CheeseToasty Pizza: Toasted AlmondTofu Pizza: TofuFinal Joke Pizza: Pineapple, TofuVeggie Pizza – Pumpkin: PumpkinVeggie Pizza – Spinip: SpinipSoda MachineThe Soda Machine is discovered at Gemstone Mountain.Base Ingredient: Fizzy CrystalApple Soda: AppleBanana Soda: BananaCream Soda: Coral MilkFiery Soda – Cinna Bloom: Cinna BloomFiery Soda – Magma Bloom: Magma BloomFiery Soda – Toasted Almond: Toasted AlmondJoke Soda: TofuPineapple Lava Soda: Pineapple, Magma BloomPochacco Energy Pop: Tofu, SpinipPumpkin Spice Soda: Pumpkin, Cinna BloomSakura Soda: SakuraStrawberry Soda: StrawberryStunning Soda: Spinip, Toasted AlmondSwampy Soda – Spinip: SpinipSwampy Soda – Pumpkin: PumpkinCandy Soda – Candy Cloud: Candy CloudCandy Soda – Sugarkelp: SugarkelpCandy Soda – Swampmallow: SwampmallowTropical Soda: PineappleFor extra on the comfortable recreation, take a look at our information on all Hello Kitty Island Adventure 3-heart presents.