
    How to Make £10,000 per Month on the Apple App Store

    Smartphones are undoubtedly one of the most used gadgets in the world. Be it at home on the weekend, or in the subway commuting to the office, we all use smartphones. Now, what makes these devices so useful is the ton of applications that are designed to fulfil our specific needs. The app industry is booming today because of the great demand for mobile applications. From music to gaming, from booking movie tickets to ordering food and beverages online, there is always an app that makes our life easier.

    The number of apps downloads from the Apple App store just hit three billion, generating the monthly sales by £200 million. This is a clear indication of the enormous growth of the apps industry. That’s why many independent developers are trying their luck in creating the perfect app that can help them earn good money. However, the app market is highly competitive and it’s not an easy nut to crack.  Apple says that it receives around 8000 to 10,000 application submission per week. So, it is not easy to break through even for the highly experienced gaming and media designers.

    The app market is extremely crowded and the number of obstacles for the entry is significantly high. But, you can still manage it, if you are targeting a certain group of the audience rather than going full scale. Having a unique idea for your app is good, but more important is to make a profitable app that can fill your pocket with good money. Getting a quality app can help you earn around £10,000 easily even it is placed in the top 100 apps list in the app store. Here, we have mentioned useful tips that can help you make your app provide profits. So, let us get started.

    Get the approval first

    In the high-profit app market, there are two main hurdles. The first is to create a quality app that serves the interest of a large audience and receive positive reviews. Second is to come with an effective marketing strategy to promote your app so that it is downloaded by a good number of users. You have to ensure that the app that you have created matches the criteria set by the Apple app store. The majority of the app is rejected only when there is something wrong in it. So, if your app is rich and fresh in content, then chances of approval will be high.

    Promoting the app

    After the app is approved, you need to find a way to sell your products to the customers. There are various platforms available that you can use to promote your product. You can go with social media marketing, ad words and others to find the customers. You can also go with affiliate marketing where you will have to pay fees to the affiliates. If you are self-employed, planning to develop apps to make it easy for the customers to avail your service, then marketing is essential. Somehow, if you lack the funds needed to promote your apps, then you can take help from a direct lender. As you have just quit your job, then you will be eligible for loans on benefits from direct lenders in the UK such as AOneFinance where you might enjoy good deals.

    Target the big audience or take little steps

    There are apps that are quite complex yet they are successful. And, there are also apps that successful even being simple and intuitive. So, the thing that matters the most is how you design the app. If you are planning to develop a simple app, which people use for the basic purpose, then you won’t have to worry much. Such apps require less frontal designing and any hard coding. Also, if you haven’t spent much time on developing the simple app, you can use the time to make it viral with a proper marketing technique. On the other hand, the complex and multi-feature apps require time and it can take weeks or months to get completed.  This strategy can work for the reputed companies who are planning to add more value to their business.

    If you have it then flaunt it

    Now, after your new and shiny app is available in the market, it’s time to increase the visibility. No matter how good your app is, you won’t be able to get many downloads, if you don’t reach the audience. You can take various steps in order to promote your app. Here are the few examples:

    • Creating a pre-release buzz
    • Perform your own marketing
    • Collaborate for cross-app promotion
    • Ask customers to get reviews

    Placing your app in the top 100 list is a clear indication that your app is being preferred widely by the users.

    Well, this was how you can earn good money every month from the app store, provided your app quality is excellent and it serves the common good.


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