
    The Remote Employment FAQs That Can Help Your Small Business Succeed

    Are you thinking about building a remote team for your small business? If so, then you’re not alone! Companies across the globe are turning to remote offices in order to reduce overhead and make themselves competitive to new talent. However, setting up a remote team that will help your small business succeed can be tricky. So, to make the process a bit smoother, we’ve put together some helpful answers to some of the most common questions about building a remote team that will work best for your small business.

    Can Remote Teams Really Help Your Business Succeed?

    If this is your first thought, then you’re likely a pretty savvy small business owner! Success is important for your small business, and with remote employment’s rising popularity, you should have nothing to worry about in terms of helping your business thrive with a remote team. Across the globe, at least 70 percent of all workers telecommute to their offices at least once a week, and those remote workers are usually more productive than other employees. Allowing employees to have more control over their work schedule and environment can boost their commitment to your small business, which will, in turn, help boost productivity and maybe even provide an increase in profits that can help drive the success of your start-up.

    Should You Hire Full-Time Staff or Freelance Team Members?

    When you think of remote employees, you may think of freelancers. That’s because in the present market, more small businesses are beginning to see the potential of outsourcing projects to freelance workers, rather than dealing with the expense of hiring full-time employees. Working with freelancers allows you to pay for projects as you need them and to easily hire different freelancers if someone does not meet your expectations. You can use online job boards, like Upwork, to recruit freelancers to help design logos, develop web pages, write blog posts, or help out with just about any business-related need. These job boards also allow you to browse through countless profiles so you can find a freelancer who can meet project needs and also fit the constraints of your budget.

    Should You Be Concerned About Labor Laws for Remote Employees?

    Whether you choose to work with freelancers or hire full-time employees, it is vital to research current labor laws before you hire or employee anyone. These employment and business laws are crucial to preventing costly legal problems for your small business and can help you more effectively manage relationships with employees. For example, the Family Medical Leave Act can stipulate that small business owners offer employees minimum time off for personal or family illness, depending on the size of that small business. You should also review workers’ compensation rules, the Equal Pay Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you plan on hiring remote employees from other states, also think about how state tax laws will apply. You may also need to ensure that local taxes are deducted from those paychecks, but if you use freelance workers, you can potentially reduce some of this accounting work for yourself.                       

    Will You Still Need an Office Space for Your Small Business?

    It makes sense to wonder about a physical space, even with employees working remotely. One of the biggest perks of using a remote team is that you can cut out office expenses. In fact, allowing your team members to telecommute is one of the best ways to reduce your overhead while also boosting your productivity. You don’t need a physical office space in order to keep remote workers motivated, especially when you can utilize other productivity-boosting tools, such as chat clients and social collaboration software, that are less expensive. Of course, there may come a time when you need a space for meetings or special team projects. With the popularity of co-working spaces and meeting space rentals, however, you can easily rent temporary rooms to suit your temporary business needs.

    With the rise of new technology, the popularity of remote employment is sure to rise as well. It’s a concept that equally benefits employees, freelancers, and small business owners. So, use the info above to build your own remote team and build your future success!

    Photo Credit: Pixabay

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