
    Why Is Machine Learning Applied To Cloud Computing?

    When it comes to technology and embryonic development approaches, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Autonomous Learning and such are terms that are usually considered both from a strict business point of view, but also from a purely technical one. With many different startups rising on the matter, it’s clear nowadays how important these subjects are in many different fields. Given the fact that, generally, machine learning based applications require a lot of processing power, many decided to combine these with cloud computing-related applications, let’s see why and how.

    Cloud: Gather, Store, Develop

    If there’s a reason why cloud-based applications are taken into consideration when it comes to application development or setup, that would be related to the fact that, generally, both the data acquisition process and the storage one are done instantly and precisely. In order to better explain the above statement, we should take into consideration the biggest example within the matter: web personalization-related tools. By gathering data via cookies and combining it with the already stored one, the tool is able to present the potential client the right product at the right time, personalizing (as the name says) the whole website.

    Cloud: Control

    Given the fact that most of the machine learning-related apps are built with Python, also known as the universal deep learning coding language, in order to combine these with cloud storage the architecture of the cloud space should have a properly planned control panel with specified rules. In case, in fact, of some internal errors, the entire storing and admin cloud environment should be designed and tailored in order to quickly act in these cases.

    Cloud: Costs

    When it comes to running machine learning apps, as said above, every single process is heavily tailored on the goal itself, therefore (especially if the app is related to a very niche field) the costs for the app development itself are pretty high. Cloud-based technologies, on the other hand, are pretty cheap, especially since the launch of AWS and their data storage/management tools.

    Cloud: Mobile

    Applying machine learning to mobile is the focus of many iOS and Android app development companies, especially in the UK. Why? Because there are sparks of this technology in many “mainstream” apps such as Google Maps, Uber and so on. With this in mind, the cloud element is crucial from both a development perspective and from (again) an admin/control one. Apple said, for example, that iCloud could be moving towards a more business-related approach in the near future.





    Guest Author :

    Paul Matthews is a Manchester based business writer who writes in order to better inform business owners on how to run a successful business. You can usually find him at the local library or browsing Forbes’ latest pieces.

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