
    Edward Hicks

    166 articles

    2 Key Ways To Keep Up With Your Business’s Growth

    Photo by Pexels After you’ve pitched a stellar idea to investors, founded your company, and opened doors to the public, you might see something incredible...

    Online Financial Scams that Target Seniors

    More technology in our everyday lives has lead to an increase in scams and fraudulent practices, particularly among seniors. While scammers target a variety...

    How Much of Your Paycheck Should You Save, and Why?

    Photo by Micheile Henderson on Unsplash “Save more money!” countless advertisements shout at you. “Put aside part of every paycheck!!” your parents scold. “Save as...

    These Cyber Security Mistakes Might Be Putting Your Business at Risk

    Follow Tech Switch for the latest in technology news! Businesses can use technology to streamline practices, connect with customers, and improve products and services. However,...

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